See POLREPs 1 and 8 for Site background.
EPA, SERAS and RST personnel were on-site at the R.N. Hitchcock Electroplating Site during the week of 2/14-2/17/2011 performing additional site assessment activities to supplement data collected during the 9/20-9/24/2010 Site activities.
SERAS personnel conducted wipe sampling activities within the former mill portion of the building, adjacent to the former plating section. The two sections are separated by an open doorway and current sampling activities will determine if any contaminated dusts have settled on building contents within the former mill section.
On 2/15/2011 and 2/16/2011, SERAS personnel collected a total of 84 dust/wipe samples on the first and second floors of the former mill section of the building.
RST personnel were on-site to conduct indoor air and sub-slab vapor intrusion sampling at the Site and residences adjacent to the Site. Sample results from the September assessment revealed the presence of chlorinated solvents in the groundwater including: Trichloroethene, cis-1,2 Dichloroethene and Vinyl Chloride. These results prompted the need for the current vapor intrusion/indoor air investigation.
Between 2/15/2011 and 2/17/2011, RST personnel collected 25 total samples from the Site and seven residential locations. Samples were collected with 6-L SUMMA canisters with fixed flow restrictive orifices calibrated to collect a sample over 24 hours.
On 2/15/2010, USEPA OSCs Hoppe and Lucarino attended a town hall meeting to discuss current and former Site activities with the Town of Mentz board and local citizens. OSCs will continue to provide information and updates on Site activities to the Town of Mentz and Village of Port Byron as they become available.
Once February 2011 analytical data is reviewed and combined with September 2010 data, an appropriate remedy will be selected.
Pending Items/Activities: • Town Hall meetings (Village of Port Byron and Town of Mentz) • Ensure State of New York SHPO has Phase 1A survey and discuss site potential for National Register of Historical Places. • Review indoor air and sub-slab sampling data and discuss results with homeowners.
Pending Final Analytical Results: o Determination of Future Removal Action. o Determination of appropriate action for potentially contaminated antiques. o Removal of investigation derived wastes (IDW) remaining from Emergency Removal Action and Site Assessment. o Determination need for further vapor intrusion study.
Extent of dust contamination into former mill area will be determined once analytical results have been received and validated.
Vapor intrusion results will be reviewed once analytical results have been received. Data analysis will determine if future actions are necessary.