The Wisconsin Mapping Project is a Geographical Information System (GIS) environmental emergency response tool that brings public (Federal, State and local) entities and private sector emergency responders together for spill response and pre-planning.
During an emergency response, Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) may use the program to gain situational awareness of downstream/downwind vulnerabilities, as well as upstream/upwind potential responsible parties and much more. For contingency planning, the project can introduce facilities to the communities which may be impacted during a hazardous materials and/or petroleum releases.
The program can also be used during exercises of facility response plans by providing participants access to response layers such as: endangered/protected species and habitats; sanitary and storm sewer systems; facility discharge and permit discharge points; water supplies; other pollution sources (facilities, oil wells, pipelines, rail lines, etc.); and vulnerable populations (schools, nursing homes, daycare facilities, hospitals, etc.).
To access this resource, please
Register Your Account Here First!
NOTE: You only need to follow this registration process (Step 1) once, but you will still need to contact each OSC for the states you want access to individually (Steps 2-3). If you have never accessed a resource on, you will be redirected to your profile page on your first login attempt. Simply go back in your browser and click the link again.
1. After pressing the Register button on the previous page, go to your Inbox and check for an email message from to confirm your account by following the link provided in that message. You have 48 hours to do this!.
2. Then, send an email message with your request to Colin Hendrickson or Malcolm Grieve ( or and provide a description of why you want access to this resource, including your first name, last name, email address, organization, and phone number.
3. Once you receive communication from Colin Hendrickson or Malcolm Grieve ( or return to this Web page, and click the button below to open the map.