On March 8, 2024, the EPA Region 7 Office of Public Affairs noted a media report for Adair County, Iowa indicating that a state conservation officer observed a red diesel discharge in the Middle Nodaway River near the town of Casey, Iowa. The discharge originated from two paired above ground storage tanks (AST) on a nearby farm property. The discharged diesel exited secondary containment via an open drain and eventually migrated to the Middle Nodaway River via a catchment basin, drain tile, and unnamed tributary. The initial discharge volume is unknown; however, the ASTs have a combined capacity of approximately 20,000 gallons.
On March 9, 2024, two EPA On-Scene Coordinators mobilized to the site and met with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the responsible party. EPA conducted an assessment of the impacted areas, the ongoing responsible party cleanup efforts, and the source of the diesel discharge. EPA and IDNR monitored RP cleanup efforts until March 27, 2024, at which point EPA and IDNR agreed that no additional response actions were required.